Current Workstreams
All of the feedback you give us, the experiences that you have and the knowledge that we gain goes into providing a voice for parent carers within these workstreams.

SEND Strategic Group
Becca Gibbons
This group drives forward SEND strategic improvement priorities of the local area. Prior to the SEND Local Area Inspection in Feb 2019, self evaluation had highlighted that we needed to focus more carefully our resources and make changes to ensure that the work carried out is effective and producing better outcomes

Neurodevelopmental Pathway Development
Becca Gibbons & Fiona McAndrew
Work on the neurodevelopmental pathway began in 2018. Since this time, there have been two newly commissioned services. The Sunflower Sensory Programme, and the Family Support Service. Both of these can be accessed without a diagnosis and provide vital support to families in Stockton.

Co-Production, Communication & Engagement
Becca Gibbons Becky Lipton
In the local area SEND inspection, findings showed that co-production, communication and engagement with parents is under developed. As such, work has begun starting with gathering parents and carers preferred methods of communication and engagement and to expand on the number of parents and carers involved in the development and monitoring of services

Education is a rather broad topic, it covers SEN Support, EHCP’s, educational psychology, the portal and various other areas. Currently there is work being carried out on the quality of EHCP’s and we are working on the resources produced for parents/carers to improve knowledge and understanding, enabling them to access the right provision for their child

Joint Commissioning
Becky Adamson
Joint commissioning was flagged by the inspectors for not being embedded or improving the education, health and care outcomes for children and young people. Pooling resources from different services means that there is more resource to meet the needs of more children and young people. Initially, they will be looking at Speech & Language Therapy and OT Services

Becca Gibbons
Working with core CAMHS and the Designated Clinical Officer to improve the communication between professionals and parents and carers. Currently we are working on the development a small training resource for frontline staff to grasp the experiences of parents and carers when they approach the service about support for their child or young person.

Transforming Care Project
Becky Adamson, Becky Lipton & Fiona McAndrew
TCP aims to reduce the number of children and young people entering inpatient services or residential school placements as a result of crisis. Setting up mini forums within schools, encourages an open line of communication to improve the experiences of the children and young people by making reasonable adjustments and reducing the number of exclusions

Short Breaks Grant
The short breaks grant service is vital to families in Stockton, it provides a small monetary grant to enable children and young people access to services and provide parents, carers, siblings and other family members a break from their caring responsibilities. We work closely with the service to ensure that it is easily accessible and meets the needs of those eligible.